François Germeau @ RUN
ULg Research Unit in Networking RUN
François Germeau RUN RUN

Name François Germeau
Former position at RUN Researcher
Biographical Notes
François Germeau joined RUN in September 1996 and left in February 1998.
Current diploma(s) : Ir. 1996 ULg
Publications at RUN
* Verification of Security Protocols using LOTOS - Method and Application
G. Leduc and F. Germeau
Keywords : LOTOS, model-checking, protocol verification, security protocol
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Computer Communications, special issue on Formal Description Techniques in Practice, vol. 23, nb. 12, Jul. 2000, pp. 1089-1103
(ISI IF 2000 = 0.341)
* A Computer Aided Design of a Secure Registration Protocol
F. Germeau and G. Leduc
Keywords : authentication, formal verification, Guillou-Quisquater, LOTOS sprecification, registration protocol, security, trusted third party
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Proc. of Formal Description Techniques X / Protocol Specification, Testing and Verification XVII (FORTE/PSTV'97), Nov. 1997, Osaka, Japan, Chapman and Hall
* Etude de la dynamique de contrôle de flux dans le mode ABR de l'ATM
F. Germeau
Keywords : Asynchronous Tranfer Mode (ATM), Available Bit Rate (ABR), congestion control, performance study, simulation
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Colloque francophone sur l'Ingénierie des Protocoles (CFIP'97), 29 Sep.-2 Oct. 1997, Liège, Belgium
* Model-based Design and Verification of Security Protocols using LOTOS
F. Germeau and G. Leduc
Keywords : authentication, formal verification, LOTOS specification, registration protocol, security, trusted third party
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Proc. of the DIMACS Workshop on Design and Formal Verification of Security Protocols, 3-5 Sep. 1997, Rutgers University, New Jersey

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